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Employee Cards

Organize and store faculty information

Employee Cards should not be created for full-time employees. Full time employees will be automatically added from Faculty Profile by the BYU website department of OIT. Click here to see OIT's list of what information is auto updated and what can be changed.

Editing employee cards

Information put onto the employee page will be Ingested (updated through the system), manually overridden, manually updated, and not included in brightspot

It is important to know that employee cards should not be manually created and an employee card will be automatically added to the Department site for new faculty members.

It will be our job and theirs to make sure the information on their profile is up to date. This is done through faculty profile. Each faculty member has access to their individual profile and can add new information, like publications, onto their profile. The business managers will have access to everyone's profile and will be in charge of gathering the information and placing select information into Brightspot.

What we change

Content on the employee page falls into three categories for making changes: Ingested Brightspot edits, Only brightspot, and Faculty Profile Ingested.
Most of the content is automatically Ingested from faculty profile but I will clear things up better. Ingestion means that information is pulled from Faculty Profile.

Ingested Brightspot edits

These fields may be changed in faculty profile but any edit made in brightspot will take priority and stay
- Name
- Title
- Address
- Phone Number
- Employee Groups
- Publications

Only Brightspot

This information is not added unless we do it manually through brightspot.
- Image
- Short Bio
- Full Bio
- Website
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)

ImageThis should be uploaded to brightspot
Short BioThis can be copied manually from Faculty Profile or written by us/the professor
Full BioCopied Manually from faculty profile
WebsiteAdded manually
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Upload a PDF and add it to their employee card in the CV section.
Click Here for tutorial on how to update a CV file

Faculty Profile Ingested

These will all need to be edited in Faculty Profile
- Email
- Which department faculty member is in

For business Managers

Here is what you need to keep up to date and manually enter.
- Full Biography - copy and paste the information from faculty profile
- Image - This will need to be kept up to date
- Room Number - Needs to be their office
- Curriculum Vitae - upload their CV as a PDF file to their brightspot page (drag and drop)

Faculty Profiles can be confusing. Call us if you are having trouble. 801-422-7178