Curriculum Vitae
Add CV's to employee cards
How to update Curriculum Vitae for faculty and upload pdf files. The CV file needs to be downloaded from faculty profile or received from the faculty member. Just make sure it is updated and current. Once you have downloaded the CV upload the CV to brightspot, using the home page upload feature.
Search the employee card you are adding the CV to

Navigate to the "employee card" on the employee page
Click the Drop down that says "None"

Here you can change the CV to "External" or "Internal"
External - pdf url or local pdf
Internal - uploaded to brightspot (recommended)

Internal CV
You need to upload the pdf file to brighspot
Drag the file from your computer to the upload section on the home page of brightspot

Make sure to name the file something you can find
I recommend you provide the year of the CV
Once the file has been uploaded then you can click here to search for the CV file you have just uploaded