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Creating a Link (Rich Text)

How to create a link to something in brightspot or to another website

If you want to link a page within Brightspot or to an external page there is a quick and easy way to do that within your text or table in a rich text content module.

Navigate to Rich Text in content

Select the text that you are going to make a link and click the Link button in the features section

Here you can select if the link is going to be internal or external

External links are for any site that is not on brightspot
Copy your URL into this field.

Internal Links are for sites already created in brightspot
Click the search bar under "Item"

Find your page in the search feature

Once you get the link in there it should look like this

If you want the link to appear as a button then you will need to edit the link and navigate to "styles"

Then change button style to see which one you prefer

These options will look like this

Standard Outline

*These links will take you to the brightspot homepage