LSIT Admin Only
Creating the Re:Captcha feature for Brightspot. Used on anything that would require a form to fill out
Before doing anything, you first want to log into the Google account using the LFSCI Brightspot email found in LastPass. Remember to put at the end of it. You will be sent to another window, just use the same email and password previously used.
After logging in to the email, search recaptcha in the search bar and click the first link. It should look like the picture below.

After clicking the link, navigate to the top right and click the v3 Admin Console.

Hit the plus at the top right of the page to create a new reCAPTCHA

Here you have 3 sections: Label, reCAPTCHA type, and Domains. Start by labeling it with any name you want to give it. Be sure to match it with the site you are adding the reCAPTCHA verification to.

In the reCAPTCHA type you want to use "Challenge (v2)" since Brightspot only uses the v2. We want to use the "I'm not a robot" Checkbox.

Third is the domain. Put the URL of the site you want the reCAPTCHA on. Be sure to put www. followed by the direct site with nothing after it. Once completed all three categories should look like the picture below.

When completed click submit and you should be given a site key an a secret key. You will want to save these.
In a new tab, go to Brightspot and click the three lines on the top left and scroll down until you see Sites & Settings. Make sure you are in the site that you want to add the reCAPTCHA to.

Inside the Sites & Settings navigate to the Front-End section.

Scroll down until you see the Form CAPTCHA. Open the Form CAPTCHA menu and click on the provider to open the drop down. From here click "Create New".

Insert the Site Key (received from before) under the "Client Key". Insert the Secret Key in the Secret Key section and save.

After saving, choose the new option that shows up (it should be similar to the Site Key you inserted).

That's it! You're all done! Just know that if you add a reCAPTCHA to a form, in the Brightspot preview it will show that it is not working. Do not worry, it is working fine.