Social Media on Brightspot Skip to main content

Social Media on Brightspot

In Brightspot you can paste a social media post or feed quite easily - The process doesn't even require you to know about coding at all. A detailed walkthrough for embedding Facebook and Twitter Posts as well as Importing a Social Media feed can be found here: Social Feeds (

Embedded Social Media
Placement options


Instagram is likely one of the main social media sources that you will be posting from, that and Facebook and Twitter. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Instagram does not have an easy feed option, due to the organization of the application itself. Embedding a feed requires a third-party software.
However, copying over a post by URL or embedding a post is very quick and easy, and only requires a few steps of copy and pasting it from Instagram into your Brightspot page.
- (Example credit: @byubiology)


1. Log into Instagram -
2. Navigate to the post you wish to save in Brightspot
3. Click on the comment section of the post to enlarge it

4. Copy the URL

5. Navigate back to the Brightspot page you are editing
6. Click on the "instagram" button in a rich text module

7. Copy the URL in the space under "URL"

8. Select save. The post should show up after a few seconds on your page.


- Requires no coding experience!

1. Log into Instagram -
2. Navigate to the post you wish to embed in Brightspot
3. Click on the three dots on the Right corner of the post

4. Click on the "Embed" option

5. Click on "Copy embed code"

6. From here, navigate back to your Brightspot page you wish to post the embedded code to
7. On the page, you can either create the post in a rich text module or in an HTML module

A. Instagram Embed tool in Rich Text:

- Click on the "instagram" button in a rich text module

- Click on the dropdown menu and select "Instagram Embed" instead of "URL"

- Click and Paste the Embedded code in the field provided

- Click save & close


- (Instagram post from the Biology Instagram page, @byubiology)

Posted via Embedded Code -

Posted via URL


Twitter has a lot of versatility in Brightspot. You can upload an individual post via URL, embed code, or you can upload a feed, which will keep a live update of that account.

Embed a Social Feed

Embedding a social feed allows you to publish a feed from one of your social channels on your site.

Get Embed Code

Social media companies will vary on how (or whether) they provide an embed code that you can add to your site. Below are links for Twitter and Facebook. Twitter allows you to easily embed a timeline that shows the latest tweets. Facebook allows you to add more things like share buttons or links to Facebook pages but not a dynamic feed like Twitter.

How to embed a timeline
Timeline embed tool

Embed a Post on Twitter

(example credit - @BYUCougars)
Just as described in the Instagram tab, you can either embed a post via embed code or by URL. On Twitter, the embedded code is incredibly user friendly for both feeds and posts. We recommend embedded code, but if you wanted to use URL you can follow the steps in the Instagram tab, but instead of selecting the Instagram tool, use the Twitter tool in rich text.

1. To add a post to Brightspot, the easiest way is to navigate to Twitter, find the desired post, and click on the three dots on the top right of the post. Select embed.

2. From here, you can select the button to copy the code

3. Navigate back to the Brightspot page you are editing
4. Click on the "twitter" button in a rich text module
5. On the page, you can either create the post in a rich text module or in an HTML module

A. Twitter Embed tool in Rich Text:

- Click on the "Twitter" button in a rich text module

- Click on the dropdown menu and select "Twitter Embed" instead of "URL"

- Click and Paste the Embedded code in the field provided

6. Select save. The post should show up after a few seconds on your page.


(twitter posts and feed from the Micro and Molecular biology twitter - @BYUMMBio)

Posted via URL -

Posted via Embedded Code -

Posted feed via Embedded code -


Facebook, like Twitter, has the option to publish a post or a social feed. Unfortunately, because of privacy, Facebook is more limited - at the current time (7/21/22) you are not able to publish a facebook post or feed via. URL. However, there are several easy ways to embed a post or a feed in Brightspot. Be aware, to embed a post from Facebook it must be a public post - check the privacy on the post if embed options aren't available; it should be a small world symbol if it's public.

Embed a Social Feed

Embedding a social feed allows you to publish a feed from one of your social channels on your site.

Get Embed Code

Social media companies will vary on how (or whether) they provide an embed code that you can add to your site. Below are links for Twitter and Facebook. Twitter allows you to easily embed a timeline that shows the latest tweets. Facebook allows you to add more things like share buttons or links to Facebook pages but not a dynamic feed like Twitter.

All social plugins
Page Plugin

Setting up the Feed:

1 - copy the URL for the page you wish to add as a feed.
2 - click on the Facebook Page Plugin
3 - paste the URL
4 - select "get code" at the bottom of the page
5 - select the IFrame tab and copy the code
6 - navigate to Brightspot
7 - Select the Facebook tool in Rich text (or raw HTML module as a content type)
8 - select "Facebook embed"
9 - paste the Iframe code
10 - select save. The post should show up after a few seconds on your page.

Embed a Facebook Post

- (Example Credit: BYU Public Health)

1. To add a post to Brightspot, the easiest way is to navigate to Facebook, find the desired post (it must be public) and click on the three dots on the top right of the post. Select embed.

2. From here, you can select the button to copy the code

3. Navigate back to the Brightspot page you are editing
4. Click on the "Facebook" button in a rich text module
5. On the page, you can either create the post in a rich text module or in an HTML module

A. Facebook Embed tool in Rich Text:

- Click on the "Facebook" button in a rich text module

- Click on the dropdown menu and select "Twitter Embed" instead of "URL"

- Click and Paste the Embedded code in the field provided

6. Select save. The post should show up after a few seconds on your page.


(From BYU Public Health facebook group (BYU Public Health | Facebook)

Posted via Embedded Code -

Posted social feed via Embedded Code -

Social media Embedded Code can be placed in a few different areas in the page, which gives you a few options for placement.
1. In the appropriate Social media tab in Rich text
2. HTML module in content
3. HTML module in an aside sidebar

A bit of additional info on that from OIT:

"Add code to Brightspot

Once you have the embed code you want, add it to the main column in a page by pasting the code into a Raw HTML Module.

This can appear in the main content column:

or in a sidebar:

You can also add it to a container module if you don't want it to take up the whole width of a column."
From -
Social Feeds (

For more information about Embedding and Importing a social feed into Brightspot, Please go to
Social Feeds (