How to make content Tabs (Aside/Below) Skip to main content

How to make content Tabs (Aside/Below)

Tabs are a great way to organize long articles and pages.

Tabs are a very helpful tool that can be used to organize pages. This is how we organized our LSBrightspot page. This content type can be found in the content section and can be used as an aside or below content feature.

Disclaimer- Tabs cannot be placed within tabs unless the tab is set as a "tabs embedded". Even then it sometimes doesn't work correctly. The best way to do multiple Tabs is by separating them.

Navigate to the Aside/Below tab

Select the Below feature

Hit the "+" under the below tab

This is how you add content.
Select the "Tabs" content type

Click the "+" to add tab content

Usually this will be a rich text feature but you can other content as well.

Add what you need to and it shows up under the tab.

Add more content here

Add another tab by clicking "+ add tab item"

To edit the style and layout click "Tabs Styles"

This page pops up

Click "Template" to change how your tabs look and the navigation bar at the top

See changes here

You can continue to play around with it until you like the layout and have added the content you needed to.